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Polite ¨éÐ and ¹Ð ÅèÐ 1 2 Combinations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Summary

Combinations of particles: «Ô¨éÐ si ja

When giving suggestions, say «Ô¨éÐ afterwards:

[»Ô§ (à¾Ô觡ÅѺÁÒ¨Ò¡·Ó§Ò¹)] Çѹ¹ÕéÃé͹¨Ñ§àÅÂ
[á¹¹] ä»ÍÒº¹éÓ«Ô¨éÐ

[Ping] (peung glab ma jak tam ngan) wan nee ron jang loy
[Nan] bai ab nam si ja

[Ping] (Just back from work) Wow, it's been hot today !
[Nan] Why don't you have a shower ?

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